Evoplus IT Services Private Limited | Ecommerce
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Electronic ease of commerce sans commute

Evoplus provides an enriching experience in shopping for a stunning range of products. Its commerce at ease and the entire gamut of affordable online shopping is done for your needs backed by a robust infrastructure.The world of today thrives on and drives ecommerce on a volume unforeseen few years ago. Solutions, customized for clients does a great deal of good by favoring them in business and has already witnessed a quantum jump in the volume of  trade. Integrating the niche technology for best use and capitalizing on it gives the convenience and freedom to customers.

Its Commerce coupled with commitment

Having already earned the stripes, we wish to replicate the magnitude of our success to our prospective clients. Our product mirrors the ingenuity and authenticity in the conduct of transactions. It has spawned a new technology to be leveraged –  the lever of the new age.

Ecommerce – holding the ace of today’s operations

DIY Web Store

Entrepreneurs of the Electronic Age

Evoplus, ever-expanding customer focused application development team offers the DIY webstore, a simple tutorial for building one’s own website. The indispensable tutorials for learning the fundamental components of website are offered and in a short duration the customers acquire the complete knowledge on how to build it.


We believe that PHP is one of the finest workhorses of technology and an open source server-side scripting language. Our team has over the period come up with websites of wonders encompassing the recent marvels of technology. PHP, apart from being used for web development is also put to maximum use for programming e-commerce applications.

Our technological beauties of burden


Dynamic web pages can be produced using the framework of Asp.net, an open source server-side web application. Microsoft is the force behind ASP.NET for it to grow in stature of today with a magnificent framework across different platforms. According to the customer requirements, the applications are built and delivered with an eye on detail.

UI Design & Development

An Utopian experience in Interaction

The user interface design and development offered by our organization often outshines the customers’ expectations and provides an outstanding technological experience in terms of features and subtlety.

Quality with Clarity

Our interface eliminates all the trivial aspects normally associated with experiencing an application. We offer a nonpareil experience by defying the boundaries of technology and consistently enhance the repertoire of features on par with the best in the industry.

The quality of the products offered is in a league of their own and possess an inherent lucidity for the users to experience it. User-friendly and unique technologies are incorporated into the application, ultimately paving the way for a prolific business for the clients.

CRM – Customer Relationship Management

Bolstering the liaison with customers

Customer Relationship Management empowers the organization in handling the operations in relation to the communication with the customers. Systematic functioning with effective synchronization of processes enhanced by technology provides the grasp on managing relations with the customer.

Delegation of works to employees is entirely streamlined ensuring completely accountability of the tasks. We develop systems in compliance with the approach followed by the client in their organization and on implementation; the efficiency of the workforce witnesses an upward surge leading to a turnaround of fortunes.

Evoplus ERP suite

Leverage operational data smartly – Conquer new frontiers in business

Integration of business functions paves way for enhanced productivity and can usher in highest level of transparency bequeathing complete control over the operations. Evoplus has embedded the latest technology in its ERP suite, which bestows organizations the scope for agility and flexibility in integrating all its in-house functions with sharp precision. It’s a platform that can be deployed by an organization to optimize and streamline its core functions such as finance, operations, supply chain management, Human Resources and Data warehousing.

The privilege factor of Evoplus ERP suite lies in its twin potential, that of the flexibility in using it as Software-as-a-service (SaaS) model and as an on-premise version too. We offer tailor made ERP solution in tune with the business needs after a diligent study on the processes and operations of the clients’ business. Synchronization of operations is the guiding force that facilitates smooth running of the business. And with Evoplus ERP suite it is all about seamlessness in operations, proactive growth, profitability and controlled costs.

Business Intelligence has been given a modular approach in Evoplus ERP suite, with varied styles of Data Interpretation and analysis enabling businesses with multi-realistic inferences, that in future will reshape the optimal functioning of the business.