Evoplus IT Services Private Limited | About us
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About us

Evoplus, an intellectual powerhouse, offers a spectrum of software solutions unsurpassed in value and anchored deep in expertise. Setting ambitions and consistently achieving it, we have ventured towards the pinnacle of a position for others to pine about. Offering elite and effective solutions to clients with enormous thrust laid on stupendous technology, Evoplus stands steadfast in execution of strategy. We encompass the entire length of technology and the products borne out of our innovation are considered as industry standards.


The triumvirate of technology verticals with e-commerce, merchant banking and technical services in concomitance with digital marketing that augurs well for the clients  is offered  by Evoplus. We exemplify the complete cycle of  the services required in its entirety. The prowess at our disposal enables the clients to avail the finest of services without cumbersome issue of separate vendors for different functions.


In a nutshell, our firm strives to bring about a metamorphosis in the present industry. The mavens of our organizational legion have unleashed the marvels of service to the clients with a holistic perspective and the wholesome experience has motivated us to the raising of standards frequently.

``Our Credentials - incredible and credibility of the technological domain``


Electronic ease of commerce sans commute

The e-commerce application of Evoplus provides an enriching experience in shopping online. Its commerce at ease and the entire gamut of affordable shopping is done as per client’s requirements backed by a robust infrastructure.The world of today thrives on and drives e-commerce on a scale unforeseen few years ago. Solutions, customized for clients does a great deal of good by favoring their business and has already witnessed a quantum jump in the volume of  trade. Integrating the niche technologies into the application and capitalizing on it offers the convenience and liberty to customers in choosing the mechanism to purchase.

Its Commerce coupled with commitment

Having already earned the stripes, we wish to replicate the magnitude of our success for our prospective clients. Our product mirrors the ingenuity and authenticity in the conduct of transactions. It has spawned a new technology to be leveraged –  the lever of the new age.

Ecommerce – holding the ace of modern day business operations


Our technology- fits the bill of your requirements.

We get you the whole hog of convenient banking transactions and the other relevant nuances of  order tracking and financial reporting. Meticulously planned, full proofed and leaving no room for unscrupulous errors are the high point of our services. We have a coveted association with a chain of banking institutions and offer services to be filled with pride. Glitches are a thing of past and the functionality of our gateways has been subjected to the rigors of transaction and can manage a hefty traffic. Maneuvering through the gateways of Evoplus is a breeze and is also secure. It is seen as the solution for the present issues ailing the conduct of banking operations online.

Our credibility – the indistinguishable credit in your accounts

The payment options offered by Evoplus are a maximum in efficiency along with the combination of multiple currency processing and simple check out options. The success rates are an industry bench mark coupled with innovative tools widely acknowledged by industry leaders.

Our compliance – high on satisfaction and regulations


Transcending technology – a supplementary service to compliment

At Evoplus, a virtual expert as good as an in-house professional offers technical services over the line. It is a service to vouch for from the comforts of your couch and the service second to none. Navigate  seamlessly into the intricacies of technology with the guidance of our courteous team. The customers can always consider our favor a virtual service tethered to their gadgets.

A call away – resolution on the way

Amplifying the benefits and simplifying the technology for the customers, the technical assistance offered, helps to overcome any snag encountered by them. The solutions offered are instantaneous and our experts are famed for the best-in-class service provided to the customers. The host of resolutions offered range from mobile to the all-holding servers.

Infusing life – live and online


The business in the present era has progressively migrated into the digital space with the rapid evolution of technologies. The market forces straddle both the physical and online space with each leveraging on the strength of the other. As an organization adept in technology, on development of ecommerce website, we get into the full swing of commercials for the clients to develop a customer base. Development of state of the art technology products and marketing digitally online is the piece de resistance of our organization.

Cut teeth with the cutting edge knowledge

Additionally digital marketing has become the bulwark for a commercial venture to succeed. A migration of business to the online medium is for the good as it has surmounted the physical barriers and broken the shackles of limited options of wares that can be bought.

We have Got the Cues , to beat the initial blues

The onset of digital marketing has spawned an unprecedented business expansion around the world and has bought a whole new dimension in communicating to the prospective customers. With the advent of this trendy technology, marketing has become highly targeted and the outcomes can be accurately measured.